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Ngali Holdings &its Subsidiaries Donate 22 Computers To Rdrc Through Their Annual Corporate Social Responsibility.

Ngali Holdings and its majority-owned subsidiaries (Ngali Energy, Locus Dynamics, and Ngali Mining), donated 22 computer desktops to Rwanda Demobilization and Reintegration Commission (RDRC) through the close cooperation of Honorable Musolini Eugene, who is a member of the parliament representing people living with a disability.

A part of these computers was delivered, through RDRC, to the disabled ex-combatants living in Kicukiro District, Nyarugunga sector. At Ngali Holdings, we recognize and appreciate the ultimate sacrifices made by these ex-combatants in Rwanda’s liberation struggle which was the reason for Ngali to contribute to this noble cause, and we shall continue to do so through the annual corporate Social responsibility.

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