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 Fostering Innovation
Fostering Innovation

Ngali Holdings invests in strategic projects catalyzing sustainable growth and development across Africa.

 Strategic Partnerships
Strategic Partnerships

Ngali Holdings invests in strategic projects catalyzing sustainable growth and development across Africa.

 Local Empowerment
Local Empowerment

Ngali Holdings invests in strategic projects catalyzing sustainable growth and development across Africa.

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Building Together Sustainably

Ngali Holdings is a Rwandan company investing in a wide range of industries across the continent of Africa. We are driven by the desire to see African markets grow and specialize in long-term, wide-scale infrastructure projects with a holistic focus. It is an exciting time to be a part of the continent’s private sector development, and we are privileged to have the endorsement of several key global leaders and African governments; in particular, the Government of Rwanda.

Our Initiatives

Our Subsidiaries

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